TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) – Debbie and Thom Urwin say they’ve never been late filing federal income taxes. This year, they fear, could be the first.
That’s because the 1099-G form they need from the state unemployment website still isn’t available online and even though they requested a copy be mailed to them, nothing has shown up.
“It says down here in messages, your IRS 1099-G form was sent your mailing address,” Urwin said. “If you haven’t received the form, select 1099-G form option to view and print a copy. Well, where’s that at?”
The Urwins aren’t alone. A growing number of unemployment recipients have turned to Better Call Behnken for answers. They are furious they can’t file taxes and get much-needed tax refunds some feel they are entitled to.
“It’s beyond frustrating,” Urwin said.
Weeks ago, calls came into Better Call Behnken on the same issue, and a spokesman for the state Department of Economic Opportunity said the problem was due to pop-up blockers and people should make sure that was disabled on their computers.
For some, that trick worked, but others say they’ve done that and they still can’t see the form on their website profile.
Urwin said she requested a copy of the form be mailed, but that hasn’t shown up yet either.
A spokesman for the DEO said he would look into the Urwins’ situation and what could be preventing others from accessing the forms.
In the meantime, the state had this to say:
“Please remind your viewers if a claimant did not receive their 1099-G Tax Form, received a 1099-G Tax Form by mistake, 1099-G Tax Form is incorrect, or the claimant cannot access their 1099-G Tax Form, visit 1099grequest.myflorida.com.”