A Grinch tried to help himself to some stolen early Christmas presents at a Tampa Bay area Lowe’s.

He met his match when he left the store, and it was all caught on camera.

On Dec. 15, Jason Baxley went to Lowe’s for some shopping when he spotted a thwarted theft attempt.

When the criminal was stopped by loss prevention officers, he thought he could outsmart them.

“Anytime you’re doing something like that you’re probably not that bright,” said Baxley.

It wasn’t a good idea, because two mounted deputies were outside waiting for him.

They chased him around the parking lot.

“He looked a little confused. I don’t think it’s often that someone who steals something gets chased by not only two police cars but also two deputies on horses as well. So I think he was caught off guard,” said witness Elizabeth Leonard.

The man, whom deputies later identified as William Shatz, was soon cornered and had nowhere to go.

“Manatee County deputies were there to make sure he got a nice sleigh ride to jail,” said Baxley.

Shatz faces numerous charges and is currently booked at the Manatee County jail.

So criminals beware, just like elf on the shelf, someone could always be watching.